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Question #2: Skin Use

Please indicate what proportion of your total Valgrind use each tool accounts for. Leave blank tools you never use. (Example: Memcheck 80%, Addrcheck 10%, Cachegrind 10%)

This question was good, because it was quantitative.

           Raw Figures                                  Weighted figures
                                                         sum    percent
Memcheck   100% - 48, 99% - 5, 97% - 1, 95% - 11,
            90% - 14, 80% - 8, 75% - 1, 70% - 3,  
            60% -  3, 50% - 2, 40% - 1, 30% - 1,
            33% -  1, 25% - 1, 20% - 3, 10% - 2, 
            used - 1                                    9,110     85%

Addrcheck   90% - 2,  80% - 1, 70% - 2, 33% - 1,  
            30% - 3,  20% - 1, 10% - 2,  5% - 4           583      6%

Calltree   100% - 1,  80% - 2, 50% - 1, 40% - 1, 
            25% - 2,  20% - 7, 10% - 8,  5% - 6, 
             1% - 1,  used - 2                            651      6%

Cachegrind 100% - 1,  33% - 1, 20% - 1, 10% - 6,
             5% - 4,   1% - 1, used - 2                   234      2%

Helgrind    10% - 2,   5% - 1,  3% - 1,  1% - 1            29     <1%
Anelid      40% - 1,  10% - 2                              60     <1%
Massif      20% - 1,  15% - 1, 10% - 2, 5% - 2             65     <1%
VGProf      10% - 1                                        10     <1%
Crocus      "once" - 1                                     N/A    <1%
                                                       10,542    100%

Memcheck is miles ahead, although an awful lot of that would be because it's the default; if Addrcheck was default, for example, it would undoubtedly dominate. Lots of people said they'd only tried Memcheck, but want to try out others when they get the time. Lots of people didn't know about different skins. A few people said they would try out different skins now that they knew about them (from the survey). Things are weight heavily in favour of the four skins in the main distribution.

Calltree is doing extremely well considering that it's not in the main distribution.

Addrcheck is doing well, and clearly worth having.

Cachegrind isn't holding its weight in the distro very well; it could easily be replaced by Calltree.

The rest are too small for the relative values to be meaningful. However, Helgrind is not holding its weight in the distro at all.

This could even out a lot if skins were known about more widely. More about skins later.

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